How to pass the New CKA exam at January 2021The Linux Foundation decided to make some changes to the CKA and starting September 2020 the new format was released. The new exam format…Feb 11, 20212Feb 11, 20212
Understand Linux Load Averages and Monitor Performance of LinuxIn this article, we will explain one of the critical Linux system administration tasks — performance monitoring in regards to system/CPU…Jun 7, 2020Jun 7, 2020
Golden AMI using Cloud formationI have attached the sample yml file to work with cloud formation. you guys have to just take the script and run the file.Jun 3, 2020Jun 3, 2020
Setup Kubernetes In AWS EKS Using TerraformWe will walk through to setup EKS and configure Kube config, creating ALB ingress, and Auto Scalar on Kubernetes. I will be refering…Jun 3, 2020Jun 3, 2020